The meeting was attended by representatives of units such as Vietnam Women's Union, the Center for Development of Women and Children, Center for Gender Studies, Family and Community Development, Vietnam Industry and Commerce Chamber, Institute for Social, Economic and Environmental Studies, Center for Health and Population Initiatives, Center for gender science and research and application, Vietnam Disaster Management Authority and National Organizations such as Care International, GIZ, KOIKA ...
Ms. Eliza Fernandez introduced the 2019 operation plan
The meeting aims to receive UN Women 's 2019 Work Plan ideas to enhance the effectiveness of activities. Ms. Eliza Fernandez, representative of UN Women, presented an overview of the work plan and gave the group discussion contents including: International conventions and laws and the motto “No one can be left behind” (Ethnicity minorities and other vulnerable groups); Reduce disaster risks; Economic empowerment for women; Preventing violence against women; Coping with domestic violence. The meeting has received many positive comments. In particular, participants expressed their interest in women with disabilities and the mainstreaming of gender into drafting the Ethnic Minority Law.
Regarding the content of Disaster Mitigation, activities in 2019 are aimed at addressing the causes of gender inequality gap in order to enhance the adaptive capacity of women and communities to climate change. There are 4 main outputs including encouraging women and sideline groups to participate in the decision making process on climate; Collect, analyze and use data that disaggregates gender, age and various factors in the policy making process; Adjust climate-related policies and financial support and mitigate gender-responsive disaster risk and ensure human rights; Promote women's access to and implementation of climate change adaptive livelihood activities through access to essential technology, services and finance.
Group discussion on Disaster Risk Reduction
The Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction emphasized the need for gender baseline data and gender support technical issues. The group also agreed to share the project information that organizations are implementing to coordinate and enhance the effectiveness of the activities. At the end of the meeting, Ms. Eliza Fernandez thanked the participation of representatives of agencies and organizations and wished to enhance cooperation in implementing activities in 2019.